
The OBE Online System is developed to help the staff of UTM preparing the CAR and the PAR at the end of the semester. The data is automatically analysed and prepared for all schools and faculties in the end of the semester for the academic report.

The code is developed from feedbacks and ideas by everyone involved. It is an evolutionary process and will keep on improving. As the code base grew, the complexity of the algorithm is increasing. To prevent data meltdown, we perform backup as frequent as possible.

It is solely maintained by Ir Dr Istas Fahrurrazi with the assistance from the CICT UTM. CICT UTM provides the server and ip address.

The software is wholly written by Dr Istas for use by the UTM Community. It is still maintained by Dr Istas and all issues relating to this software is resolved by him.

FYI, Dr Istas does not receive any eLPPT point from developing this application from UTM due to their inability to recognise such subtle contribution. May God show the way.

Hope it helps.